Thank you to Rotary for your generous donation to the Fairmont Elementary Elf Shop. Pictured are Stephanie Busiahn and Erik Karre
about 5 years ago, Fairmont Area Schools
Elf Shop
Fairmont Debate had an awesome weekend! The team of Emily Kerekes and Weston Loughmiller were 2nd of 49 teams going into the JV quarter-finals and all teams ended the tournament with a winning record at the JV/ Novice State Tournament at South Saint Paul High School.
about 5 years ago, Fairmont Debate Team
Emily Kerekes and Weston Loughmiller
Fairmont Debate Team
Mrs. Anderson’s class had so much fun showing off all they have been practicing in music! What a great Christmas concert! Thanks Mrs. Shimon!
about 5 years ago, Fairmont Area Schools
Mrs Anderson's Class
The first graders did a wonderful job at their Christmas Concert today!
about 5 years ago, Fairmont Elementary School
Correction about the meal for Tuesday, Dec 17th at our ECFE event. We will be having yummy french toast sticks, bacon, applesauce, orange juice, and hot chocolate with marshmallows 🎄
about 5 years ago, Fairmont ECFE
The first graders did a wonderful job at their Christmas Concert today!
about 5 years ago, Fairmont Elementary School
Fairmont Jr Sr High School Principal Alex Schmidt was pleased to accept on behalf of the school a generous CRC grant from 3M. These resources will be used for a variety of STEM related innovation projects. Thank you community partners for making a difference in student's lives.
about 5 years ago, Fairmont High School
people holding fake check
Reminder of the Kindergarten, 1st grade and 2nd grade Christmas concert tomorrow, Thursday, Dec 5th.
about 5 years ago, Fairmont Area Schools
K-2 Christmas Concert
Kari Duehlmeyer and Andy Traetow, representing Fairmont Elementary, received a generous grant from 3M which has allowed Fairmont Elementary to purchase items going into the up and coming Makerspace. The purchase of a SMART Board TV was possible with this grant along with a few other hands-on materials. Employees of 3M were thrilled to see the progress so far in the creating of the Makerspace/STEM space and excited to see future projects!
about 5 years ago, Fairmont Area Schools
3M Donation
Superintendent Joe Brown and Guidance Counselor Scott Geerdes took a group of Fairmont High School students to Mason City, IA for this great learning opportunity today!
about 5 years ago, Fairmont High School
students in chairs
We want to get the word out about a small change in our December ECFE calendar. Our Special Saturday Holiday event planned for Dec. 14th has been changed to Tuesday, Dec. 17th. The event will be from 5:30-7pm. It will be the same activities and plans we had for the special Saturday event, except since it will be in the evening there will be a supper meal instead of a light breakfast. Santa will be there!!! It is $5/family. Families who attend our regular Tuesday evening ECFE class will get in for free. Families with a pass to our Family Fun Nights can use their pass to attend. Please let us know if you have any questions.😊
about 5 years ago, Fairmont ECFE
Fun on Mickey Mouse day with Mrs. Walters and her class.
about 5 years ago, Fairmont Elementary School
ECFE was blessed by some women at the United Methodist Church in Fairmont. They made and donated these adorable activity quilts. They will be used in our Early Childhood program at home visits and during infant class. Thank you very much!!
about 5 years ago, Fairmont ECFE
So creative!
So sweet and thoughtful!
So cute!
Wonderfully colorful!
We are also very thankful for the generous donation from the ECFE Parent Advisory Board which paid for 1/2 of our new Culligan filtered water system and water dispenser. We utilize it daily and have noticed how helpful it has been to our Early Childhood Program. Thanks so much!!
about 5 years ago, Fairmont ECFE
Filtration system
We are grateful this week to announce that some thoughtful supporters of ECFE have offered to provide 4 sponsorships for Session 2 of our Infant Class. Session 2 begins on Wednesday, January 8, 2020 and meets from 5:30-6:30pm for 6 weeks. If you would like to attend our evening ECFE infant class and need help with the class fee in order to do so, please stop in the Fairmont Elementary School Office to talk to Kari or Sarah in the Main Office. Just mention you heard about the sponsorships and would like to register for class.
about 5 years ago, Fairmont ECFE
Congratulations to our Diaper Drawing winner, Erica Berhow! She registered for the second session of our evening infant class and won our drawing for a free box of diapers sponsored by the ECFE Parent Advisory Board.
about 5 years ago, Fairmont ECFE
Reminder that a meeting to start planning Post Prom is tonight. Please join us to start making decisions and start divvying out tasks. We are looking for a lot of helpers so that the process is a team effort and easier for all involved. We are meeting at 7pm on Wednesday, November 20, 2019 in Room 1009 at Fairmont Elementary School. Enter Door #1 and head down the left hallway. Please contact Steph Johnson ( or Sandy Soelter ( if you have any questions or are interested, but can't attend the meeting. Thanks!
about 5 years ago, Sandy Soelter
Fairmont Elementary Staff collected over 500 books to be given out to local children as part of our American Education Week celebration November 18-22. The 4th grade team distributed the boxes of free books to local businesses.
about 5 years ago, Heidi Luhmann
4th grade team
Thanks so much to Valerie Torres for donating these large pumpkins to ECFE. We are looking forward to using them for a fun activity at our Family Fun Night this Tuesday, November 19th!
over 5 years ago, Fairmont ECFE
The kids will really enjoy the activity we have planned for these!!
Thanks so much to Valerie Torres for donating these large pumpkins to ECFE. We are looking forward to using them for a fun activity at our Family Fun Night this Tuesday, November 19th!
over 5 years ago, Fairmont ECFE