Family Fun Night tomorrow night @ Fairmont Elementary - Tues. 3/15! There will be some extra added fun to the night...come on out and join us!

Parent Newsletter 3/11/22:
Parent Update Video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gZ9AQuG5XItv7ODRVeX9jcnZ7znkmNvv/view?usp=sharing

March Family Fun Night - Tues. Mar. 15th! Scholastic Book Fair & Kids Just Want To Have Fun will be there too! [See the attached for some additional information.]
Come on out...we look forward to seeing you there!

Our new ECFE infant class we added recently still has 7 sessions left for the school year. We meet Wednesdays from 6:30 to 7:30 PM. We’d love to have you and your birth to 18-month-old child join us. You can find registration information on our Fairmont Area ECFE Facebook page.

At last night's school board meeting, the Board gratefully accepted the following donations:
A Canon Printer / Plotter & ink cartridges, a $2,000 value, from Kahler Electric to be used for our high school CTE programming
$250 from Roberts Trucking, Bret Roberts & Jane Gustafson, for our high school FFA Program
$250 from Martin County Corn and Soybean Association for our high school FFA Program.
A BIG thanks for these generous donations!!

Parent Update Video 3/4/22
Weekly Parent Newsletter:

REMINDER: Tonight is KG Roundup @ Fairmont Elementary...see attd. information. We look forward to seeing you and your 2022-23 Fairmont Elementary School Kindergartner there!!

High school senior, Briana Joseph, was named a Rotary "Student of the Week." Briana is the daughter of Dr. Abraham and Simmi Joseph. Briana is undecided as to where she'll attend college, but her plan is to study in the field of international relations.

Parent update Video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1d4Y5b6UJ_XPIhchw1lrhdSqRGHEnOdyh/view?usp=sharing
Weekly Parent Newsletter: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Ygrf62rQ1VPhYqHpLHeDZlGcXJTSSD8iEEz84EDjkEQ/edit

Early Risers Kiwanis, Hy-Vee and Fairmont Jr/Sr High School would like to recognize these Fairmont Jr/Sr High School students as the January 2022 Students of the Month. Congratulations to all.

ANNOUNCING -- 2 NEW Additional ECFE Classes - Open for enrollment & registration NOW...Please see attached information!

Here’s some step-by-step help to register for ECFE classes:

Feb 17th we had 11 students compete in the Chapter Math Counts competition. Isaac Stone has advanced to the state competition

The 2 newly added ECFE classes have been set-up in Skyward and are available for parents to sign up!! 👏 Thanks so much to Kari and Shari for helping with this so quickly!!
The first one is Tuesday Toddler Time from 4:15-5:15pm for children ages 1-3. This class will have no separation time. The first 45 minutes will be parent/child activity time and the last 15 minutes will include circle time and parenting. The other new class is Baby Class on Wednesdays from 6:30-7:30pm. This class is for children birth to 18-months-old. This is also a class with no separation.
Both classes will start next week. It is $35 for all remaining 8 sessions of class. Any questions about registering, please call Kari in the office at 235-6205. Any general questions, please contact Sandy here via Messenger, via email at ssoelter@fairmont.k12.mn.us, or at 235-4017. Thanks!

We would like to thank Profinium for providing cinnamon rolls and our parent volunteers for serving at the Honor Roll Breakfast. Congratulations Students!

What an awesome day! It was wonderful to see all the 8th grade students and Senior Leaders working together at the 8th grade Retreat last week .

Remember this week is still FFA Week (as short as it is) Please help us by participating in all of the Dress up Days. And we can't wait to share what else we have in store. Excited to see everyone in all of their gear next week!

Weekly Parent Announcements 2/18/22

Next week is FFA Week and we are super excited to celebrate FFA all throughout next week. Please help us by participating in all of the Dress up Days. We can't wait to share what else we have in store.
Excited to see everyone in all of their gear next week! Go Cards!

Fairmont seniors, Gavin Rodning and Mackenzie Householder, were named Rotary "Students of the Week."
Gavin is the son of Ole and Katie Rodning. He plans to attend Valley City State University in North Dakota with a tentative major in Fisheries and Wildlife Science. Gavin will also be playing football.
Mackenzie is the daughter of Eric and Trana Householder. She will be attending Concordia University in Moorhead to major in elementary education and to play hockey.