Activity Fees can be paid online through the school web store or in the Activities Office.  Fees may be waived in cases of undue hardship. The Activities Administrator will determine hardship in each case and process all waiver requests. Forms are available in the high school office. One waiver will cover the entire school year.

Fees may be waived in cases of undue hardship. The Activities Administrator will determine hardship in each case and process all waiver requests. Forms are available in the high school office. One waiver will cover the entire school year.


When injury or illness prevents continuation in the sport/activity, a refund will be made up until the time of the first contest or public appearance. Refunds will be mailed by check to the parent/guardian from the high school activity fund. Refund forms are available in the high school main office and must be completed in compliance with designated time deadlines described above. The Activities Administrator will process all refund requests.

When a transfer is made out of District #2752, a refund will be made up until the time of the first contest or public appearance. When a student is cut from the squad by the coach, a refund will be made up until the time of the first contest or public appearance. When a student quits an activity after the first contest or activity, there will be no refund. After the first contest or public appearance, no refund will be made for any reason due to the fact that benefits of the sport/activity will have accrued to the amount of the fee.


High School Varsity/JV/B/C Teams: Football


High School Varsity/JV/B/C Teams: B/G Cross Country, B/G Golf, B/G Tennis, B/G Soccer, B/G Basketball, Girls Gymnastics, Volleyball, Wrestling, Softball, Baseball, B/G Track, Dance Team


High School Varsity/JV Teams: Cheerleading


High School Knowledge Bowl, Math League, Congressional Debate, Musical/Play


All Junior High Teams, C Squad Soccer, and Speech


Junior High Speech and Math League Teams