
These past two months have been extremely busy here at Fairmont Jr/Sr High School and it may appear as though we have overlooked a few important celebrations.  But that's not true, we would like to take this time now to recognize all those special people who had days dedicated to them in April and May.   

4/2 Para Professional Day, 4/16 Librarian Day, 4/26 Administrative Assistant Day, 5/1 School Principals Day, 5/5 School Lunch Hero Day, 5/8 Teacher Appreciation Week,  and 5/10 Nurses Day.  The first week in May is also Substitute Week and we have some of the very best!

There may be one or two missing but trust me, this school could not function without all the wonderful staff pictured here, those who unfortunately were absent when the photos were taken and without all those who celebrated their special days earlier in the school year.  Many thanks to each and everyone of you.