Welcome to the Fairmont Elementary parenting page where we will periodically post tips, activities and information regarding Early Childhood and Family Education (ECFE). We are looking forward to an exciting year for you and your child!

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Sandy Soelter

Contact our parent educator:

Sandy Soelter

Phone: 507-235-4017


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Little Cardinal Hatching



Give your child some dedicated time each day when you are focused on them and nothing else. It might be 10 minutes to play their favorite game, reading stories before bedtime, or taking a walk and talking about everything our seeing as you go.


Connecting with your child provides them with a sense of safety and security in their life. In order for them to be able to learn and explore their world, they need to feel safe. To connect, give hugs and say "I love you," sit next to them while they are playing and play with them if they want you to, make routines and tasks at home fun instead of work, gently touch their arm or shoulder when you want to give them an instruction or warning about a transition, etc.


Whether it is attending an ECFE class with your child, asking about their day at daycare, signing them up for preschool and attending conferences, etc., get involved and show your child how fun learning can be.


Read to your child at least once or more a day. The benefits of reading with your child are huge and will help them with their future success. It also provides another opportunity to bond and show them how important they are to you.


  1. Make tonight a 'No TV' night with your family. Ask your child to help choose games or stories, and spend some quality time with him/her.

  2. Help boost your child's self-esteem. Take pride in her achievements and accomplishments today and every day.

  3. Make learning to write letters and numbers fun for your child. Roll playdough or clay into long thin worms and ask her to create letters and numbers.

  4. Teach your child about recycling. Show her how to recycle items such as paper, glass and aluminum.

  5. Visit the library with your child today. Encourage her to borrow books about a different country, and learn about the people, cultures, and customs of the that country.

  6. On a rainy day, set up a tent with your child in the living room. He/she can do lots of pretending and imaginary play.

  7. On a large piece of construction paper, help your child write her name vertically. Using each letter, help her write words that describe her personality.

  8. Make car trips fun for your child. Sing songs, play rhyming games, create a story together, play a game like pointing out license plates, billboards, and interesting road signs.

  9. Tell your child that you love her today and every day.

  10. Help your child write a letter to a grandparent or friend today. Explain the importance of keeping in touch with loved ones.

  11. Teach your child about textures today. Ask her to find objects outdoors that are smooth, shiny, slimy or round.